The game I am choosing for my third dekonstruer is our own game Aeolus. I chose our game cuz it is nearing completion as this semester comes to an end and I thought it would be a good way to look at what we have applied from what we learned from this course. Also, I am running out of games to discuss in my blogs as you can see I am almost at 25 blogs for the semester. That's an all new record for amount of blogs for one class! Anyways, onto the blog at hand.
I will be writing in the perspective of the game being complete in April to give myself more to talk about for this blog. When it comes to the players in our game, there will be a campaign experience where the player will be pitted against the A.I in our levels. They can take their helicopter and skills online and challenge their friends to matches while wagering parts online or even their own helicopter.
In the campaign of our game the player will be able to complete different missions. These missions consist of collecting supplies, destroying key buildings, and taking out enemy helicopters. They are basically whatever job is given to you by your mercenary leader. The merc leader will give you a list of missions you can do and from there you can choose to do whichever one you want. The choice is there so you can gather parts you want for the helicopter you feel comfortable flying. So the objectives in this game are: Exploration, Solution, and Outwit.
The rules in our game consist of a set of boundaries in which the player can fly their helicopter. The player cannot leave the playspace of the level. There will be an invisible ceiling that keeps the player from flying too high and there will be walls that have the same effect. If the player reaches these boundaries the helicopter starts to fail and the indicator lights will turn on. Another rule is the energy for the helicopter. If it reaches 0 your helicopter will also start to shut off.
The major resource in the game is the energy. Player's need to manage their energy for their helicopter so that they don't have their engine fail in the middle of trying to fly or shoot down enemies. Later in the development cycle we will have a currency system that player's will use to purchase and sell components of their helicopter. This would then make the components themselves to be a form or resources. The weapons, generators, engines, and hulls of the helicopter's that you earn through the campaign can be collected for customization or for profit.
Game States
The game states in our game are reflective of the helicopter and the missions. We have states for when the helicopter is firing or not. There is a state for when the helicopter is flying or not based on the amount of energy in the generator.
Some of the information displayed are related to your resources. There will be information about the generator in the HUD. The HUD will also display information about the helicopter's position and orientation relative to local and world space. This is here to help the player fly the helicopter with ease since they can see elevation, angle of rotation and so on. The player also has armor which is information displayed in the HUD.
In our game the energy causes pressure on the player. The way how the player feels pressured by the energy from their generator is that the energy depletes as the player uses the mechanics in the game. This forces the player to manage which mechanics they want to use while playing the game. The player's health is also pressuring because they can die if they don't avoid crashing and being shot at.
Player Interaction
The player interaction in the game is only found in the multiplayer experience. There isn't a coop campaign yet. The player's interaction consists of a pvp match between one another. The two player's will face off in a duel and the victor gets the opponents helicopter. The losing player will then lose their helicopter in the fight. The player's can instead wager only certain components of their helicopter if they don't want to gamble the entire helicopter.
Our team is trying to go for a realistic look and feel of the game. We want to set the mood of the game to be futuristic, so there will be music that is calm similar to Halo. We also want the feel in game to be gritty like Gears of War. The theme of the architecture for the buildings and helicopters is similar to the Mech Warrior games.