Friday, 15 November 2013

Objectives In My Favorite Games

Welcome back!

In this blog I am going to discuss the objectives in some of my favorite games. The bonus to this blog is you will learn my top ten favorite games currently. This list was very difficult to come up with since there are so many good games out since I've started gaming and so many I see right over the release horizon. Well with this list I tried to stick to the games that have recently been released.

As a reminder, my games have multiplayer but I'm only going to refer to their single player since not everyone has the ability to play their game online. If you haven't read my second blog about the elements of a game I recommend you go read up on the objectives part of that blog since this blog will be referencing that section. So lets get right to it.

Ten Favorite Games

10 Halo

I've been playing the Halo series since the very first one on the original Xbox. The objectives in this game are: Rescue or Escape, Exploration, Solution, and Outwit.

9 Call of Duty

I have a feeling this game will make it onto most gamers top ten but I don't think it would be so far away from number 1 on everyone else's list. There are just so many better games than the CoD series in my opinion. The objectives in this game are: Chase, Race, Rescue or Escape, and solution.

8 Left 4 Dead

This game has logged many hours with friends of mine during my last summer before university. It's a great game with many game mechanics that blend together really well. The objectives in this one are: Race, Rescue or Escape, Solution, and Outwit.

7 Dead Rising

I spent the last couple weeks of my summer before third year beating this game over and over again with my buddy James. The objectives in this one are: Rescue or escape, construction, exploration, solution, and outwit.

6 Guitar Hero / Rock Band

I have been playing Guitar Hero since the second one was released and from time to time I still love to shred the plastic guitar with friends on weekends. The objectives in this one is simply Alignment.


I just recently got into SSX since it was released in 2012 but before it's release I was playing a different snowboarding game called Amped 3 which wasn't quite as fun so SSX takes spot five. The objecties in this one are: Capture, Chase, Race, Escape, and Exploration.

4 Battlefield

Instead of going to an after party for prom at somewhere like Wasaga I played BF:BC2 for almost 2 weeks straight and it was way better than some party on a beach. I still play Battlefield over CoD any day. The objectives in this one are: Capture, Solution, and Outwit.


Since the release of GTA3 I have been hooked on this game and it's amazing free roam world. I still play GTA5 today and I have played everything in between. The objectives in this one are: Capture, Chase, Race, Rescue and Escape, Forbidden Act, Exploration, Solution, and Outwit.

2 Gears of War

Owning the entire Gears series and even purchasing the limited edition Gears of War 3 plus the emblem as my lock screen on my phone as well as nearly buying the life size retro lancer and comic con puts this game at number Two in my books. I would have to say my favorite of the four games would be the third Gears game and that Judgement is my least favorite. The objectives in this one are: Capture, Chase, Rescue and Escape, Solution, and Outwit.

1 StarCraft

Finally the number one game out there is StarCraft. For anyone who knows me this is very clearly obvious since I have almost everything StarCraft from my mouse pad, to posters, collector edition copies of the games, and Sarah Kerrigan just about everywhere on my computers. I have played this game the longest out of any game I've ever played since I have been playing it from the release in 1998. This also means I have been playing this game since I was 5 years old. So, the objectives in this one are: Solution, and Outwit.

Honorable mention: NHL

The NHL games make the honorable mentions for my list of top ten favorite games. The objectives in this one are Solution, and Outwit.

Capture, Chase, Race, Alignment, Rescue or Escape, Forbidden Act, Construction, Exploration, Solution, and Outwit.

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